Monday, March 21, 2011

Here Goes!

If you've read my profile, you know why I created this blog. Sometimes folks, my fingers simply MUST move and produce what is going on in my head. I'm so glad I can type. I have so many thoughts and I am in a rush to get them out before I forget what they are! Does that happen to anyone else?
Now, where was I? Oh yes, my blog. I am very relieved to have created my own space here. As private as on line can be. I figured, I could sit down and create word document after word document, but what's the fun in that? I wanted a chance to expose myself and hear some feedback or exchange "conversations" with others like me.
I wanted to be free to write about real life. I didn't want to think about what my mom would say when I sat down to write. I simply wanted to be able to sit down and write. I hope someone else can spend time here, laugh a little bit, and walk away knowing we have something in common. Oh, and I want to hear your stories too. 
I have no idea if anyone else will ever read this. I hope you do and I hope you come back and I hope we become friends. (I say that in a friendly, non stalking manner.) 
I mean, who doesn't love a good escape? Don't we all wish we had a secret place to go to and just a little more time for ourselves? Here's to a new beginning! (When appropriate, pick up your wine glass and toast with me!) 

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